
July 16, 2022

The Tooth Fairy came last night! Teddy was so excited to wake up to $5 under his pillow.  Our flight was later in the evening so we had all day to still enjoy Florida. Unfortunately, when we woke up Rocky started not feeling well.  I tried calling Legacy to get our late check out extended but they were unable to do so, so after a little morning swim we said goodbye to the condo and went on our way.  We had heard about Icon Park and decided to check in out. It was rather crowded in the inside area (and rather costly) so we decided to just get lunch and keep moving. We went to the Yard House. The food was wonderful and they had great drinks too. The waitress was very sweet. Unfortunately, Rocky was still not feeling great. We decided to just head to the airport early, find a comfy spot, and wait.  While on the way Rocky threw up massively in the convertible. Luckily we were in a great spot and were able to pull into an office space parking lot. We stripped Rocky down and wiped him down w

July 15, 2022

 Teddy woke up feeling much better this morning! The Alts and McDougalls left early this morning so it was just the Kedleys at the condo.  We decided to begin our day at the swimming pool. We tried to keep our distance from everyone and were the only ones at pool 3. We found some fun pool toys and the boys enjoyed throwing the rocket around.  At nap time I attempted to read a little while and soak in some sun. I was successful at soaking in the sun and unsuccessful at reading a little;  I got distracted by a lizard who kept showing off his beard. This evening we took it easy. Thom and Rocky had to fight off Gary with the broom a few times, but he is learning to stay away and back off. After dinner we enjoyed some more pool time! Teddy is feeling better! We keep encouraging him to rest and relax.  Tonight we noticed Teddy's tooth was turning rather grey which we took as that it was dead and ready to come out. Teddy wanted to pull it out himself. On try two with a little bit more of

July 14, 2022

 Another relaxing day at the condo! The kids woke up at ate cereal together again. The McDougalls went to Cocoa Beach for the day so it was just the Alts and Kedleys at the condo.  Laura called and said that a rocket was going to be launched from Cocoa Beach- that would have been neat to see! Teddy woke up a little slower this morning and wasn't quite acting himself.  We decided to head to Old Town for lunch.  As we were heading out I started thinking Teddy was really sick.  We put him in the stroller and went to a restaurant, but they were buffet only so we didn't stay.  As we were heading to the next restaurant Teddy felt hot and his eyes were watering. I decided to call it and took Teddy back to the condo while Rocky and Thom stayed with the Alts at Flipper's Pizzeria. On Teddy and my way back to the condo I stopped at Walgreens to get some motrin and a thermometer. When we got back to the condo all Teddy wanted to do was rest in his bed. We had packed a covid test just

July 13, 2022

 SeaWorld Day!! We got to SeaWorld early and had to wait to get in to park. Some people wanted to do some coasters, while others did not, so when we got in we headed toward Mako and Liz and Laura took the littles to look at some sharks. Jason ran back to the condo to get Thea’s tennis shoes. We got right on Mako and were able to ride it twice in a row. Unfortunately, AJ lost his sunglasses on the ride. Lauren, Thea and Riley LOVED the rollercoaster! After Mako we headed toward Manta but when we arrived it was a 70 minutes wait so we decided to all go to do the dolphin show instead.  The dolphin show was great! They did so many jumps and flips. The show was enjoyed by all.  Next Teddy, Riley, AJ, Thom and I rode the Lost City of Atlantis water ride- it was really cool! Both in the water and kind of like a rollercoaster! By this point everyone was getting hungry so we met the other half of the group at Voyager’s Smokehouse where we ate some lunch and I got beignets. Next we headed over t

July 12, 2022

 Condo day! The kids have started the tradition of sitting at the island and having cereal each morning. It is fun to see them all sitting together and chatting. Rocky wanted to go to the splash pad so Peyton, Rocky and I headed over to the splash pad. Within 2 minutes Rocky had to go potty so back to the condo we went. After potty we headed back to the splash pad where now some workers were doing a water sample. We were there 1 minute and the workers turned off the splash pad. So we headed back to the condo, got floaties, I put on my swimming suit, and we were off to the pool. Teddy and Thea joined us. We played for awhile while others went to the work out facility. They joined us around lunch time and we swam for quite awhile. We ate lunch pool side, the Alts ordered pizza and the McDougalls went to McDonalds. It was then nap time for the boys. In the evening the Alts went to Disney’s Boardwalk for dinner. We made grilled cheese and then hit the pool again. We had a great time at poo

July 11, 2022

 What an awesome day!! Today we enjoyed Magic Kingdom to the fullest. We stayed up late to purchase Genie+ and got up early to select our first lightning late and we bought the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Individual Lightning Lane for $10 each.  Our goal was to leave at 7:45 to head to the park and we caravanned our way over. We got through parking with ease and got our spot. we decided to take the ferry over from the transportation center to Magic Kingdom. There were a decent number of people and we had to wait in a short line to get through. Once we were through the plan was to head to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, but we got separated from the McDougalls and Alts and when we arrived to the area we noticed Splash Mountain had a low wait so we switched to that line. When we got off the ride we met up with them at Prince Charming’s Caroussel.  Laura and family hadn’t been on the Little Mermaid ride so we headed that way next! It was fun to do rides as a group, but we also split up and cer

July 10, 2022

 What a wonderful, relaxing day! Today we started the morning slowly and hung out at the condo. Everyone joined for some breakfast before heading to the arcade. Everyone enjoyed some games before heading back to the condo for some lunch, while I went to the lobby to try to get the other condo downstairs next to our condo.  After a lunch of easy Mac, sandwiches, grapes and chips we decided to go on a little tour of some Disney resorts. We drove to the Polynesian Resort and looked around then took the monorail to the Grand Floridian. While at the Grand Floridian there were some photo pass people taking pictures with Cinderella’s glass slipper, so we got our picture with it too! We caught the monorail back to the Polynesian where we enjoyed a dole whip! It started to sprinkle and we headed back toward the condo. After a little calm down time for the boys we all headed for the pool. The boys are really improving their swimming skills! Rocky and Teddy will both go underwater now and love ju