July 15, 2022

 Teddy woke up feeling much better this morning! The Alts and McDougalls left early this morning so it was just the Kedleys at the condo.  We decided to begin our day at the swimming pool. We tried to keep our distance from everyone and were the only ones at pool 3. We found some fun pool toys and the boys enjoyed throwing the rocket around.  At nap time I attempted to read a little while and soak in some sun. I was successful at soaking in the sun and unsuccessful at reading a little;  I got distracted by a lizard who kept showing off his beard. This evening we took it easy. Thom and Rocky had to fight off Gary with the broom a few times, but he is learning to stay away and back off. After dinner we enjoyed some more pool time! Teddy is feeling better! We keep encouraging him to rest and relax. 

Tonight we noticed Teddy's tooth was turning rather grey which we took as that it was dead and ready to come out. Teddy wanted to pull it out himself. On try two with a little bit more of a grip he successfully pulled out his tooth! He was so proud! I can't believe he is getting to the age where he is losing teeth! Time flies! 


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