July 14, 2022

 Another relaxing day at the condo! The kids woke up at ate cereal together again. The McDougalls went to Cocoa Beach for the day so it was just the Alts and Kedleys at the condo.  Laura called and said that a rocket was going to be launched from Cocoa Beach- that would have been neat to see!

Teddy woke up a little slower this morning and wasn't quite acting himself.  We decided to head to Old Town for lunch.  As we were heading out I started thinking Teddy was really sick.  We put him in the stroller and went to a restaurant, but they were buffet only so we didn't stay.  As we were heading to the next restaurant Teddy felt hot and his eyes were watering. I decided to call it and took Teddy back to the condo while Rocky and Thom stayed with the Alts at Flipper's Pizzeria.

On Teddy and my way back to the condo I stopped at Walgreens to get some motrin and a thermometer. When we got back to the condo all Teddy wanted to do was rest in his bed. We had packed a covid test just in case, so I decided to covid test him. Unfortunately, he was positive so he was quarantined to his room.  

When Rocky and Thom got back Rocky took a nap in our room. Lauren, Thea and I decided to go to the pool. It was HOT and the sun was beating down. The pool felt great!

For dinner we decided to order from Smokey Bones and the kids had macaroni and cheese.  After the pool Teddy was starting to feel a little better so we went for a quick swim.  Teddy comes up with the sweetest lines sometimes. As we were leaving the pool he said, "Mom, take my picture by these palm trees so we can always remember the awesome trip we had in Florida. These palm trees are perfect." Even though he wasn't feeling the best, he still took the time to have a great trip and soak in the little, happy moments. 

We were sad because the Alts and McDougalls decided that with having to work on Monday that they were going to leave early Friday morning.  We said our goodbyes and wished them safe driving home.  The time flew with them. It was a wonderful trip!



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