July 13, 2022

 SeaWorld Day!! We got to SeaWorld early and had to wait to get in to park. Some people wanted to do some coasters, while others did not, so when we got in we headed toward Mako and Liz and Laura took the littles to look at some sharks. Jason ran back to the condo to get Thea’s tennis shoes. We got right on Mako and were able to ride it twice in a row. Unfortunately, AJ lost his sunglasses on the ride. Lauren, Thea and Riley LOVED the rollercoaster! After Mako we headed toward Manta but when we arrived it was a 70 minutes wait so we decided to all go to do the dolphin show instead. 

The dolphin show was great! They did so many jumps and flips. The show was enjoyed by all.  Next Teddy, Riley, AJ, Thom and I rode the Lost City of Atlantis water ride- it was really cool! Both in the water and kind of like a rollercoaster! By this point everyone was getting hungry so we met the other half of the group at Voyager’s Smokehouse where we ate some lunch and I got beignets. Next we headed over to Sesame Street World. We were waiting in line for Cookie Monster and Elmo, but they switched and only Abby came back out.  After a picture we went outside and found Cookie Monster.

Thom, Rocky, Teddy and I headed to the Elmo Rocks concert where it was air conditioned while the other group did a ride in Sesame Street.  The concert was cute! Rocky and Teddy both enjoyed the show. 

After the show we decided to stay in the air conditioning because it’s as approximately 101 degrees outside. The other two families were getting super hot and said they might not make it  because of the heat, so to keep the boys cool for as long as we could we went to the Waterway Grill. Thom and I got a free grapefruit sour beer and we got some chicken tenders to share so we could stay in the area. AJ, Laura and family joined us for a little AC. Liz was cooling off in some shade while Thea, Lauren and Jason did the Ice breaker coaster. They text and said it was awesome so Thom went and tried it too!

We decided to go to the 3:30 orca show and found seats in the soak zone. Teddy was insistent on popcorn because he had it at the orca show last time. The show was great and we got SOAKED. Rocky and Peyton didn’t like the cold, salt water splash, but the rest of us didn’t mind getting a little wet! After an awesome show the McDougalls and Alts decided to head back to the condo. I felt bad for Rocky because he didn’t get to do any rides and wanted him to do a Sesame Street ride, so we went there. I picked the roller coaster and it took FOREVER. After the ride we decided to call it a day and head back to the condo. 

After a quick stop at Five Below for a new football and Chipotle for some burritos we arrived back at the condo as the others were heading to the pool. Rocky was exhausted and cranky at dinner. After eating a little we joined the others in pool 1 for some more football toss. Lightning cut our swim a little short. 

When we came back from SeaWorld we discovered our bedroom door was locked- we are thinking Rocky locked it and then shut the door. We called maintenance during dinner, but they didn’t come so after swim I checked back. Still not open. We waited for quite awhile for maintenance to come and when he came, he used a screwdriver to try to open it. Long story short- it didn’t work. As we were waiting Liz was heading back to her condo and a HUGE lightning strike hit really close- like maybe in the pond close! It scared everyone with its bright light and loud boom. 

Once we were in our room we took some showers and played before bed.


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